Fade To Black...
Bond walked in through the open door, right gun holding the gun. He had not planned this midnight trip to the Reds' hideout, but then the girl had tipped him off. Alert to any sounds or movements, Bond inched forward towards the bed. He had guessed right, the girl was there, the covers draped over her lithe body. Everyone knows what happens to the famous James Bond when he sees a female, and this case was no different. He moved closer and closer, but now he was watching his back. He did not the hand that rose out of the shadows. He did not see the club that made impact with his cranium. All his world Faded to black...
Dammit!! Those crazy humans. It is to happen today. I have already spent the whole day on the beach, soaking in the sun for the last time ever, and resting before the ardous task that lies ahead of me now. The centuries old war is reaching its climax today. One side will today try to finally end the menace of the other. You may be wondering what drove them to this irreversible decision. Why would these humans, foolhardy though they are, try such a thing? But then, you were not there when it all began. Those were the days, the days when one race ruled the other. All the world was peaceful. There were no countries, no borders. All men were equal. And then that infamous murder trial happened. Then the downtrodden race asked for their rights, and here we are now. Today, the sky is going to Fade to black...
You humans must be wondering how I know what exactly happened a millennium ago. But then, I have lived long enough to see future turn into history, science fiction become myth... I have died, yes, for no man can live forever... But I am not a human being. I am someone much, much more than a mere human. But I'll explain that some other day. I attended that murder trial, and I remember each and every detail of it. The criminal was sentenced to death by atomiser. But his race stood behind him like a rock, and as soon as the execution was done, the lights went off in the whole of the Western hemisphere. The human's world Faded to black...
It has begun. I can see the planes take off from the nearby airbase, which is 10 miles away. How can I see so far? I told you, I am much more than a human. Today is the end. Mankind in its infinite folly will make merry tonight, but their joy will be shortlived. Their enemies have already made plans for the future. Plans of a magnitude I found hard to fathom. Yes, this is it... they have dropped the bombs... It is darkening!! The world is Fading to black...
Now for that kid I talked about who kept coming back from the dead... well, he never died, so there was never any question of coming back to life... Well, this kid grew up, morphed a number of times, then found a way to reproduce. And so he became immortal. But one should not confuse sleep and death (if death exists). Sleep is necessary to all who are born humans, and I was born human too. I must sleep now, before the long struggle... I am falling... My world is Fading to black...