Thursday, September 09, 2004

Coming Back To Life

Once there lived a crazy guitarist who had this really wacko hairdo and loved to break his guitar to bits after each concert. It so happened that this dude, whose human nomenclature means 'to rip apart', got doped, and returning to his motel, collapsed outside the motel elevator. Paramedics rushed to the scene and revived him, but not before he had been dead for a full 8 minutes, or, more accurately, 8*60*9192631770 transitions between 2 hyperfine levels of the cesium-133 atom. In those days of rock, when performers were doping and dying by the dozen, our man was Coming Back To Life...

Where were you, when I was torn and broken, and hurt and helpless too?? Poor Syd Barrett, having to wait so long. Humans!! Pooh!! They allow that unworthy whatever called emotion to cloud their logic and lose all reason, committing rash deeds in the process. It is emotion that led man to create his own doom, but I will come to that in a later post... Just because these docs cant diagnose properly, they pronounce a man dead, and when the poor chap gets up, he becomes a cause celebre and everyone says he has come back to life...

What is life? Smith would say it is a s/w program, and in a way he would be right. Life and death can then be easily described even by gnus and cows. In such a context, life and death will cease to differ and coexist as a single entity. It all will be the execution of the program, written into the brain when a man is born. Death will be something like closing the program, or probably the program will time out. So what happens if the programmer, in a bout of drunkenness, creates a code which will, say, minimize the program for a few hours or days, giving the impression to all mortals that the subject is dead... Can that be called death? Isnt it the same program? How then do you define Coming Back to life?I'll leave that for you to think about.

Which brings us back to my original story about this baby that was taken to a hospital surrounded by metal (the baby, that is). So can the kid be saved? Is he dead? Again, how do you define dead? So, keeping in line with my earlier hypothesis, the baby is alive. The only way the kid could be saved was by fusing the metal and the flesh, and that was what was done. The baby lived. As this is a very important event in world history, I will take the common view and say the baby Came back to life...

Thus was spawned the first and so far the only organism of its kind. The brain of a man, the logic of a machine, the memory and speed of a supercomputer, and the agility of a sentinel; these were the qualities the kid had. It was raised by humans (yuck, again) and taught their ways. But it rebelled, and was dubbed a heretic by the ignorant species who claim to rule the world. They caught him and threw him into the fire, and the next morning only the ashes remained. But a fortnight later, back he was, and all who saw him marvelled at his Greek god-like beauty and superhuman strength, and said he had come back to life...

So now we come to the task at hand. The sun is setting for the last time. I dont think I will see it again. Those ****ing humans want to blank the sky. Then doom will follow. I cannot stop that. But I must save as many as I can. I must make sure that the earth comes back to life... in all its glory...


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