Large Extra Hours...
The rabid dog barked its way across the clearing, causing everyone to scatter and take cover. The absent one, named so because he was usually absent, happened to be present and came in the way of its fangs or claws or whatever it is a rabid dog who is not actually a rabid dog but is called so simply because I want to has. The depressed one had tried to overcome his depression by consuming tremendous quantities of bat essence, also known as the spirit from the land of the three dimensional simplest shape. The infection had received a grievous injury from no one knows where. The curious one who liked to create substances governed by weak van der Waal forces as well as his supposed successor who had a curious case of unlimited expulsion of this same substance from an orifice were trying to ensure the creation of a osmotic membrane to ensure the others did not come to be with the non-others. The recently declared Dustin Hoffman was doing the same. Big Little guy and Little Big guy were not at their posts and were presumably involved in defying Isaac’s fundamental postulate by transposing massive objects along the y-axis. The midnight nutcase as well as the reversed 1110 alphabet were doing their work, only their work and nothing but their work. The actually absent one was really actually absent and remained actually absent until after the recording of the ending for posterity. The newbie was trying to get noticed and ensured the ones who were not trying to get noticed got noticed and he did not. The young one shone and was among the best. Wonder Woman was the centre of attraction and remained at the core ensuring the creation of a magnetic field so intense it aligned everything smoothly. The virtual one wanted to remain virtual but ended up leading most of the unsuspecting victims across all parts of the country, thus ensuring he became real and did not remain real. Wonder Woman did not like fermented flour made into low thickness shapes and decided not to trouble her system. A stray monkey caused everyone a lot of irritation by screaming for bananas. The curious one had external connections with a group of deep thinkers who wanted to take part and even did so in spite of everyone’s best efforts. The young one kept the bloated drip at bay. The Big Little guy tried to follow the American path. The successor to the curious one shed all his products on whoever had his drums in position. The midnight nutcase raised his secondary locomotive organs for the future generations to see. All hail Wonder Woman.